Milestone Birthdays for the Good of Mankind

There are many ways in which people celebrate their birthdays. 

However,  Sapan Nainani and Anushka Donesa chose to mark their milestone birthdays in a very special way. 

During a time of great need and desperation, Sapan Nainani and the Elizabeth and Nicholas Nainani Foundation together with their family and friends collectively sponsored the largest donation towards the Essential Grocery Pack Campaign, providing 990 essential grocery packs to struggling families of daily wage earners who have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and the fishing community who are unable to make a living in the aftermath of Sri Lanka’s greatest marine pollution disaster. 

These families, many of whom subsisted on a single daily meal are now able to fill their stomachs and keep hunger at bay due to the grocery packs which were donated from funds raised in commemoration of Sapan Nainani’s Birthday.

Mr. Nainani truly added value and meaning to his auspicious date of birth since the beauty of life depends on how happy others are because of us.

Anushka Donesa from Australia also decided to celebrate her birthday in a very special way; by extending her blessings to others who were in need of our help. 

She asked all her friends and family to donate towards special projects of the Foundation of Goodness to empower rural disadvantaged communities in Sri Lanka! 

Together with her friends, family and well-wishers, the group was able to donate towards a variety of projects to help those desperately in need. 

The act of sharing your birthday with those less fortunate is a truly praiseworthy act bringing countless blessings for the journey ahead, and sharing the joy of the day with many others.